How to Get Rid of Ants from Cars – 6 Proven Tips

by | Jul 18, 2022

How to get rid of ants from cars

If you’ve ever had the unfortunate experience of having to get rid of ants from cars, you know how difficult it can be to get rid of them. They seem to multiply overnight, and before you know it, your car is crawling with them! In this comprehensive guide, we will teach you how to get rid of ants from your car for good.

Follow these six tips, and you’ll have those pesky critters gone in no time!

If you’re having trouble with ants in your home or yard, Recon Pest Services is here to help. Servicing the greater Omaha and Lincoln areas, we have the tools and know-how to take care of any common pest issue. Contact us today!

One: Seal Gaps in Your Car

The first step to removing these critters is to figure out how the ants are getting into your car in the first place. Inspect the perimeter of your vehicle for any cracks or holes that could be serving as an entry point. Be sure to check under the hood for any obvious entrances or damage that could be at fault.

Once you’ve located the opening, seal it up with caulk or another suitable material (as long as it won’t affect the functioning of the vehicle). This will help to prevent more ants from entering your car. If the problem gaps are under the hood or suggest consulting with an experienced mechanic for the best way to seal the gaps.

Two: Clean Out Your Garage

If you keep your car in a garage, make sure to keep it clean and free of any food or water sources that might be attracting ants. Sweep and mop regularly, and store all food items in airtight containers. Be mindful; ants love leaves and vegetation left behind from your tires or the wind if you leave your garage door open!

If you have access to a garage, and you don’t regularly park your car into it, consider cleaning out the garage and keeping your car inside. This will help to keep ants away from your car and make it less likely for them to find their way in.

Three: Clean Our Your Car

Inspect the inside of your car for any crumbs or spills that might be attracting ants. Vacuum up any debris, and be sure to clean up any spills as soon as they happen. If you have any food or drinks in your car, be sure to keep them in airtight containers and to be mindful of crumbs and spills.

If you’re a pop drinker, dried up spills can leave behind sugary residue that ants and bugs absolutely love. Be sure to wet-wipe your cupholders periodically to keep bugs (and gross mold or mildew) away.

Four: Set Up Traps & Bait

Ant baits are a great way to get rid of ants without having to resort to harmful chemicals. These baits usually come in the form of a gel or liquid that you can apply around the perimeter of your vehicle. Place ant bait stations around the perimeter of your car. These will attract ants and help to stop them before they have a chance to enter your vehicle. For best results, try to identify what kind of ant you’re dealing with. Consult this helpful guide from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on identifying and responding to ants.

Beyond traps, some specific types of ant treatment we recommend are the Terro Outdoor Liquid Ant Bait Stakes (to keep in your yard near the driveway and garage) and the Amdro Quick Kill Carpenter Bee, Ant & Termite Killer for when you need to bring out the big guns.

Five: Keep Your Car Closed Up

This step is mostly self-explanatory, but keep your car windows rolled up when you’re not using it. This will help to keep ants out, and will also prevent them from getting into your home if they happen to be in your car.

If you need to keep windows cracked to keep the car from getting too hot, try parking in the shade or putting up artificial shade above your car. Keeping windows closed can also help reduce moisture in the cabin, which can also attract insects.

Six: When All Else Fails

If you’re still having trouble with ants, contact a professional pest control company like Recon Pest Services. We can help to identify the source of the problem and develop a customized plan to get rid of the ants for good.

Recon Pest Services is an Omaha & Lincoln based pest-control company here for all your creepy crawly removal needs. We’re able to handle any common pest from ants to termites. Contact us today for a free quote!

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