What Attracts Centipedes and How To Get Rid of Them

by | Nov 19, 2022

what attracts centipedes

Centipedes are unwelcome visitors in homes and gardens across the globe. They may look creepy with their multiple legs and fast movements, but when it comes to pest control, centipedes can actually be beneficial. They feed on other insects, like silverfish, spiders and cockroaches, but that doesn’t mean you want them in your home. To prevent an infestation, it’s important to understand what attracts centipedes and how to get rid of them. Read on for more info!

Having a serious pest problem? Recon Pest Services is here to help. Servicing the greater Omaha & Lincoln areas, we have the tools and skills needed to handle any common pest. Contact us today for a free quote!

What attracts centipedes?

Most species of centipedes typically prefer humid, warm environments and will usually avoid areas with a lot of human activity. They are attracted to the dark and damp areas of moist soil and leaf litter. They also like to hide in cracks, crevices and other small spaces.

Centipedes are carnivorous, so they’re often attracted into homes that already have a potential pest problem. They feed on cockroaches, spiders, and gnats, so if you have centipedes, it’s likely you have some other bugs intruding as well.

How to reduce moisture in your home.

Centipedes like to live in damp areas, so reducing moisture in your home can help reduce their numbers. Start by repairing any damaged areas of your home, including leaking pipes and broken windows. Make sure you repair any leaky faucets and seal any gaps in your plumbing. You can also install a sump pump to divert water away from your home, which can help with all other pest issues as well.

Clean up your yard and garden. This will help reduce dampness and organic matter that attracts centipedes. Repair any broken gutters and make sure your downspouts are draining water away from your home. If your home is humid during the summer, be sure to use a dehumidifier. Not only does this keep pests away, but your wood furniture will thank you.

If you really want to be thorough, install an efficient heating and cooling system that will keep your home at the same temperature throughout the year. Follow these tips, and your house should be moisture free!

How to seal entry points.

Make sure you seal up any entry points in your home to keep centipedes out!

  • Check the foundation of your home and make sure there are no gaps, cracks or holes. Seal up any loose wires or cables leading into the walls of your home.
  • Check the roof of your home and make sure there aren’t any holes or tears, as centipedes can use these to get inside your home.
  • Check the exterior of your home. Make sure there aren’t any loose rocks or bricks, as centipedes can use these as shelter as they look for a way inside your home.
  • Again, check your gutters and downspouts and make sure they are in good condition and are draining water away from your home.

How to remove decaying organic matter from your garden.

Organic matter such as rotting wood and leaves can attract centipedes to your garden. Make sure you remove any decaying organic matter from your garden and replace it with dry, clean wood. This will help reduce the amount of centipedes in your garden. You can also use a rake to remove soft soil and leaves from your garden.

Not only will this keep centipedes away, but this will also discourage other more dangerous pests like termites from making a home in your walls!

Natural repellents for centipedes.

You can try using natural repellents to repel centipedes from your home. Peppermint oil, citrus peels, and mothballs all keep centipedes away. You can also try sprinkling diatomaceous earth around your home, as this will also repel centipedes.

Tips for dealing with an infestation.

If you notice an infestation, it’s important to deal with it as soon as possible. Exterminating centipedes can be tricky, as they are fast and can hide in small spaces. There are numerous store-bought pesticides that you can employ to deal with these critters, make sure you follow all the safety instructions on the pesticide label. You can also try using a botanical insecticide, like pyrethrum, but make sure you follow the instructions on the label carefully. If you have a large infestation, it might be best to hire an exterminator.

For more information on centipedes and infestations, check out this article from Landmark Home Warranty.

Professional pest control services

If you have a serious infestation, it might be best to hire a professional pest control company. When hiring a pest control company, make sure they have state and local licenses. You should also ask for references and make sure the company offers a warranty on their work.

If you live in the Omaha or Lincoln areas, Recon Pest Service is ready and qualified to help. We can handle any common pest, even centipedes! Contact us today for a free quote.

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