No More Ants in Your Car: How to Keep ‘Em Out for Good!

by | Dec 3, 2022

Photo by ekamelev on Pixabay

“Not again! I have ants in my car!” – You, probably.

No one wants to deal with ants in their car. It’s annoying, inconvenient, and downright unpleasant. But, it’s a common problem that many people face. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent ants from entering your car and getting rid of them if they do make their way inside.

In this article, we’ll discuss common reasons why you will find ants in your car, how to deter them from entering, natural remedies to get rid of the ants, how to clean your car after getting rid of them, and when to enlist professional services for removing ants from your car.

Got an ant problem you can’t shake? Recon Pest Services is here to help. Contact us for a free quote today!

Ants in Your Car – An Introduction to Annoyance

Ants in your car can be a real nuisance. Not only are they annoying, but they can also cause damage to the interior of your car if left unchecked. Ants in your car are often attracted to food that has been left inside or even crumbs that have gotten stuck in the crevices of the upholstery. If you find ants in your car, it’s important to take action as soon as possible to get rid of them and prevent them from coming back.

Common Reasons Why You Will Find Ants in Your Car

There are several reasons why you might find ants in your car. The most common is that food has been left inside the car or crumbs have been left behind. Ants are attracted to sweet, sugary substances and can easily detect food that has been left behind. Additionally, if you park near an ant hill or a colony of ants, they may be attracted to your car and make their way inside. This is especially an issue if you park on lawns regularly! Finally, if you’ve left your car windows open, it’s possible for ants to enter your car that way.

How to Deter Ants from Entering Your Car

The first step in preventing ants from entering your car is to make sure that food is never left in the car. Fast food, granola bars, even those rest stop vending machine chips. All crumbs should be vacuumed out of the car on a regular basis to prevent ants from being attracted to the car. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that your car windows are closed when you’re not in the car, as this will prevent ants from entering your car. If this causes a problem with heat in the summer months, look into a windshield reflector.

Check near where you park regularly. If you parked near an ant hill, it’s important to move your car away from the area as soon as possible, and potentially eliminate the anthill if possible. Ants are naturally attracted to warm, dark environments and your car is a perfect place for them to hide.

If you cannot move your car, there are several natural remedies that you can use to deter ants from entering your car.

Sprinkling chalk, cinnamon, or cayenne pepper around the cracks and crevices of your car can help to keep ants away. Additionally, spraying white vinegar or spraying peppermint oil around the entrance of your car can help to deter ants and other pests from entering.

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Ants in Your Car

Once ants have made their way into your car, it’s important to take action as soon as possible. There are several natural remedies that you can use to get rid of the ants and prevent them from coming back. One of the most effective remedies is to sprinkle borax powder around the entrance of your car. Borax is toxic to ants and will help to keep them away, and is generally harmless to people in small doses. Additionally, you can mix equal parts of white vinegar and water and spray it around your car to get rid of the ants.

Using essential oils to can also help to rid of the ants. Like previously mentioned, peppermint oil is especially effective at repelling ants and can be sprayed around the entrance of your car. Citrus essential oils can also be used to get rid of ants. Lemon, orange, and grapefruit essential oils are all effective at repelling ants and can be sprayed around the entrance of your car.

How to Clean Your Car after Getting Rid of Ants

Once you have gotten rid of the ants in your car, it’s important to make sure that your car is thoroughly cleaned. Vacuuming the car thoroughly is the best way to get rid of any ants or crumbs that may be left behind. Additionally, it’s important to wipe down the interior of the car with a disinfectant to make sure that no ants or eggs are left behind. The high powered vacuums at car washes work particularly well for this task, as they often have long nosed nozzles to help you get to hard to reach places.

Once the car is disinfected, it’s important to make sure that no food or crumbs are left inside the car. Storing food in air-tight containers can help to prevent ants from being attracted to your car in the future. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that the car windows are closed at all times to prevent ants from entering the car.

Professional Services for Removing Ants from Your Car

Hiring a professional car cleaner at a local car wash is a great way to remove the problem if it’s just a one time deal.

However, if you find that the ants in your car are not going away, it may be time to enlist the help of a professional pest control service. If you are looking for a reliable pest control service, look no further than Recon Pest Services. We provide comprehensive pest control services for all types of infestations, including ants in your car! Call Recon Pest Services for all your pest removal needs.


Ants in your car can be a real nuisance, but with the proper steps, you can keep them out for good. It’s important to make sure that food is not left in the car and that the car windows are closed to prevent ants from entering your car. Additionally, there are several natural remedies that you can use to get rid of ants in your car as well as professional pest control services that can help. Following these steps will help you to keep ants out of your car for good!

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