Apple Cider Vinegar for Moles in Yard – Get Rid of Moles!

by | Oct 16, 2022 | Uncategorized

Moles are shy creatures who live underground and avoid humans at all costs. The mole’s primary concern is staying hidden from predators. So when a mole smells anything it doesn’t recognize—such as vinegar—it runs away as fast as possible. If you have these pests in your garden or on your property, read on to learn more about how you can use apple cider vinegar for moles to repel them this spring and summer.

If you’re having trouble with moles, RECON Pest Services is here to help. Servicing the Omaha & Lincoln areas, we have the skills and tools to handle any common pest problem. Contact us today for a free quote!

How to use apple cider vinegar for mole infestations

First, it’s important to understand why moles are in your yard in the first place. Moles are looking for insects, worms, and grubs that live underground. Woodlice, centipedes, millipedes, spiders, and snails are also on their menu. They’ll eat just about anything they can find, from insects to slugs, worms, and even small rodents. Moles have a strong sense of smell and can detect food underground.

They then dig up the food, eat what they can and leave the rest scattered across your lawn and garden beds. Moles also like to make their homes in the soft, loose soil found in many yards and gardens. And they like to make tunnels to move around underground, which can damage plants and roots as they move.

If the smell of mole chow gets overpowered by apple cider vinegar, they might be discouraged from checking out the area! If you see existing mole holes in your yard, spritz some of that vinegar into the hole. Look for areas in your yard with lots of bugs and worms, and spray those areas down too.

Since apple cider vinegar is natural, it won’t harm most plants or bugs, but it will drive away bugs and moles from the smell.

How to determine if you have a mole issue

The first step is identifying the type of mole you are dealing with. As you may have guessed, there are many different species. The most common species of mole in North America is the star-nosed mole, which has a starfish-like nose.

When you see a mole tunneling through your lawn, call the local county animal control office to find out if they’re coming home to visit. You may be able to trap them and bring them in for a little chat or even give them some food to eat.

Most moles are about the size of a large potato and have a strong, musky smell. They spend most of their time underground, which is why you usually won’t see them. Because of their diet and the need to stay hidden, moles often burrow in yards and gardens, causing damage to plants and roots.

Which you use any type of Apple Cider Vinegar for moles?

The best type of apple cider vinegar for mole repellent is organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, preferably raw. This type of vinegar has a pH of 3.2, which is just slightly alkaline. Some types of apple cider vinegar, such as Bragg’s, are also known to be antibiotic and good for digestion.

Apple cider vinegar is not a full-proof pest removal selection, but it should keep pests away from your garden if regularly applied. For a more permanent solution, contact a pest control professional.

Where should you place apple cider vinegar for optimal effect?

The trick to using apple cider vinegar for mole infestations is to place it in strategic locations throughout your yard.

Moles travel along the surface of the soil, and they often leave a trail of excavated soil behind them. This is what you’ll see in your yard if you have moles. Moles like to travel along the edge of garden beds, walkways, and other areas where the soil is loose. As long as you have loose soil, you will have moles.

Any area where you’ve seen evidence of moles or loose soil is a good place to apply the vinegar. Go nuts with it!

Other ways to deter moles from your property

There are lots of ways to keep moles away, some of which are as simple as securing loose soil in your yard.

Here are some other tips to keep your yard mole-free:

Remove tall grass and weeds in your yard. Moles are attracted to tall grasses and weeds because they believe they are in an area with a lot of worms.

Repel moles by placing small pieces of broken-up asphalt in the soil around your plants. Moles don’t like the smell of asphalt, so they will avoid it.

Spray your plants with pepper spray. You can also make a mixture of pepper and Tabasco sauce.

Place iron or copper around your garden. Moles don’t like the smell of iron or copper.

For more information about removing moles, check out this article.


Moles are common in gardens and yards all over the world. While they help eat bugs, they can also create a lot of problems. Moles dig large tunnels in the ground and can cause root damage to plants. When the mole finds a source of food, it leaves behind dirt that is too large for the plant to reabsorb.

You can keep moles away by placing apple cider vinegar in strategic locations throughout your yard. The best type of apple cider vinegar for moles is organic, unfiltered, and raw. You can also use other methods to keep moles out, such as removing weeds, securing loose soil, and placing deterrents like copper or broken-up asphalt in the ground to break up moisture.

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