
by | Dec 21, 2021

Quite possibly the most despised rodent out there, are rats. No one ever wants to see one, and no homeowner ever wants to deal with them. They are big, sizes ranging anywhere from slightly larger than a mouse to as big as small dogs, and are notoriously known for being disgusting.

Rats will eat anything they can find. They will go through your garbage, fruit, seeds, pet food, and any human food they can find. This makes them seek out homes as they are looking for food and shelter.

A major cause for worry when it comes to rats being in/around your home is the fact that they carry many harmful diseases. This makes them a health hazard for you and your family. Rats are also prolific breeders, which means they can reproduce at exponential rates. Rats can begin reproducing at 6 weeks old, and can have 1,250 babies each per year. Just one or two rats can become hundreds in a matter of months.

As we are in the winter months, rats are continually searching for a warm place to wait our the weather in. This makes them very attracted to homes as well as other buildings. Do not wait to fortify your home against these rodents. If you are wanting to keep your house safe from rats, or need help removing them, we can help! With the use of our rodent boxes, we can effectively and safely remove these threats. For more information about rats, and for help removing them or fortifying your house against them, visit our website at https://reconpestservices.com/pests/rats-mice/ or call us at (402)22-RECON

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