wasps in nebraska sitting on top of wasp nest close up

Wasps are concerns for many homeowners across the state of Nebraska! There are quite a few species of wasps in Nebraska, with the most common being the yellow jacket.

Nebraska is home to several different species of wasps, which this blog post will go into. Whenever you have a wasp problem on your property, give Recon Pest Services a call! Servicing the greater Omaha & Lincoln areas, contact us today for a free consultation.

Wasps in Nebraska

Paper Wasps 

There are many places paper wasps build their hives, such as on roof eaves, trees, attics, and under porches. The nests can differ in shape and size, but they typically resemble a traditional wasp hive or an upside-down umbrella.

Paper wasps make their nests from wood pulp and shavings using their saliva. These cellular structures, which are comparable to honeycombs, contain eggs and larvae.

Some paper wasps may have been yellow and black, having distinct markings that identified multiple wasp species in the past. Others are brown and black and lack the vivid color contrast that distinguishes other pests. Most paper wasps have docile outer colorations, but they can become aggressive if you get too close to their nests or threaten them in any way.

Paper wasps can sting their targets multiple times. While you may mistake them for honey bees, they won’t back down after a singular sting! Be careful when interacting with dangerous pests to avoid getting hurt. 

Mud Daubers

Mud daubers tend to build their nests in secluded places, such as in garages, basements, and barns. If you find a mud dauber on your property, take extra care not to agitate it. These wasps are some of the most aggressive pests and will sting their target even if there’s no immediate threat.

Mud daubers are a species of spider wasp that preys on spiders to feed their young. These predators paralyze their prey with their venom before dragging them back to the nest. If you have a mud dauber problem, it’s likely that you also have a spider issue.

Mud daubers are long and slender, with a black and yellow striped abdomen. Their thorax is a solid, deep black color. You can identify these wasps by their distinct nests, which resemble small mud tubes. These pests build their homes using mud, which they mix with their saliva to form the perfect structure for raising their young.

While mud daubers don’t typically pose a threat to humans, they can be dangerous to pets. If you find a mud dauber on your property, it’s best to call a professional for help.

Cicada Killers

Cicada killers are large wasps that can reach up to two inches in length. These pests get their name from their diet, which consists of cicadas. Cicada killers are one of the few wasp species that can take down these large insects.

Cicada killers are solitary wasps, meaning they don’t live in colonies like other species. Instead, these pests build their nests in the ground, where they lay their eggs. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on cicadas until they’re ready to pupate.

Cicada killers are most active during the summer months, when cicadas are plentiful. These wasps can sting their targets multiple times and are known to be aggressive. If you see a cicada killer on your property, it’s best to call a professional for help. To learn more about these creepy crawlies, read the University of Kentucky’s guide on Cicada killer wasp identification and removal.

Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are one of the most common wasp species in Nebraska. These pests are social wasps, meaning they live in colonies with other yellow jackets. Yellow jacket colonies can contain thousands of individual wasps.

Yellow jackets build their nests in a variety of places, such as in trees, shrubs, and on the sides of buildings. These pests construct their homes using chewed up wood pulp and saliva. The nests contain cells for the yellow jacket larvae to develop in.

Yellow jackets are mostly black with yellow markings on their abdomen. These wasps are known for their aggressive behavior and will sting their targets if they feel threatened.

If you have a yellow jacket problem, it’s best to call a professional for help. These pests can be dangerous to humans and animals alike.

Bald-Faced Hornets

Bald-faced hornets are one of the largest wasp species in Nebraska. It’s helpful to know that hornets are in facts wasps as well! These pests can reach up to half an inch in length and have a black and white striped abdomen. Bald-faced hornets get their name from their striking coloration, which is similar to that of a hornet.

Bald-faced hornets build their nests in trees and shrubs. These pests construct their homes using chewed up wood pulp and saliva. The nests contain cells for the bald-faced hornet larvae to develop in.

Bald-faced hornets are known for their aggressive behavior and will sting their targets if they feel threatened. If you see a bald-faced hornet on your property, it’s best to call a professional for help.

Wasp Control in Nebraska

Wasps are dangerous additions to your property, especially if they build on or near your home. Whenever these pests inch too close to your house, you should always call a trusted pest control agency to remove the hive. 

Preventative measures can also keep these pests at bay and your home safe. Try out these tips to eliminate dangerous insects that build around your yard!

  • Clean brush and leaf piles to discourage wasp queens
  • Leave trash in tightly covered containers or trash cans
  • Plant flowers and fruit trees away from your home
  • Avoid leaving uncovered drinks, fruit, and meat during backyard parties
  • Eliminate their insect food sources with pest control methods
  • Plant wasp repelling plants around your home and in your garden
  • Avoid leaving standing water in toys, buckets, bird baths, and containers

When all else fails, we have your back! Recon’s wasp control services can eliminate any pesky wasps in Nebraska homes and yards. Never worry about a painful sting with our quality pest services!

Contact us today to learn more, or schedule an appointment to meet with one of our highly trained pest technicians.

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