What Do Termite Eggs Look Like: Everything You Need to Know About Termite Eggs

by | Jun 7, 2022

What do Termite Eggs Look Like?

What do termite eggs look like, after all? If you’re worried about a potential termite infestation in your home, it’s important to be able to identify termite eggs. They can be difficult to spot if you’re not familiar with what they look like, but knowing what to look for is the first step in stopping an infestation before it starts. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about termite eggs: where to find them, when they’re most commonly found, how to identify them, and what to do if you do find them.

If you’re concerned about a potential termite infestation, Recon Pest Services has your back. Servicing the greater Omaha & Lincoln area, we’ve got Nebraska homeowners covered. Contact us today for a free consultation!

Types of Termite Eggs

When it comes to termites, there are three main types of eggs you need to be aware of: worker termite eggs, soldier termite eggs, and reproductive termite eggs. Worker termites make up the vast majority of a colony, and their primary purpose is to forage for food. Soldier termites are responsible for protecting the colony from predators, and reproductive termites are responsible for reproduction.

What do Termite Eggs Look Like?

Worker termite eggs are small and oval-shaped, and are typically white or pale yellow in color. Soldier termite eggs are slightly larger than worker termite eggs, and are also oval-shaped. They’re typically white or pale yellow as well, but may have a darker brown spot near the center. Reproductive termite eggs are much larger than worker and soldier eggs, and are typically round or oval-shaped. They’re white or pale yellow, but may also have a dark brown spot near the center.

When searching for termite eggs, keep an especially keen eye out for the reproductive eggs. Once these hatch and mature, the infestation will only get worse!

When & Where to Look for Termite Eggs

Termite eggs are most commonly found during the spring and summer months, when termites are most active. However, they can be found year-round if the conditions are right. When looking for termite eggs, start by checking any areas of your home that are damp or have high moisture levels. Basements, crawlspaces, and outdoor wood like underneath porches can be common termite hideouts toward the start of an infestation.

Additionally, check behind toilets and sinks, and under leaks in roofing or pipes. You should also check any wood that’s in contact with the ground, as this is a common entry point for termites. If you have wood piles or mulch near your home, these are important places to check. Wood chip piles are an all you can eat buffet for termites!

Termite Eggs vs Other Insect Eggs

Identifying termite eggs can be difficult, as they’re small and often resemble other insects’ eggs. However, there are a few key characteristics to look for. Termites eggs are usually white or creamy in color, and they’re typically oval or cylindrical in shape.

Another type of insect egg that can be easily mistaken for termite eggs are fly eggs. Fly eggs are much smaller than termite eggs, and are typically white or pale yellow in color. They’re also more elongated in shape, and have a ridged surface.

The best way to tell the difference between termite eggs and fly eggs is to look at the size and shape. Termites eggs are much larger than fly eggs, and are typically oval or cylindrical in shape. Fly eggs are smaller and more elongated.

If you’re still unsure, your best bet is to contact a professional for help. For more information on termites and how they reproduce, check out this website dedicated to understanding and discussing termites.

What to Do if You Find Termite Eggs

If you are determined to create a DIY solution, boric acid and diatomaceous earth can kill termites in many circumstances. This can be useful in preventing future infestations, but don’t rely on this if you’re finding an active infestation.

If you do find termite eggs in your home, the best thing to do is call a pest control company right away. Trying to get rid of them on your own is not only ineffective, but it can also be dangerous to your home. Pest control companies have the experience and expertise necessary to safely and effectively eliminate termites from your home.

Don’t let termites take over your home – call Recon Pest Services today!

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