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Wolf spiders are a relatively large family of spiders with over 1,500 species in North America alone. They are found nearly everywhere except the Arctic tundra and several high-altitude desert locations. The most common types of wolf spider in the United States are the black wolf spider (Blarina laurissettii), the red wolf spider (Lycosa rubrofasciata) and the golden wolf spider (Dolomedes scriptus).
These spiders are generally harmless to humans, but they can be harmful to small animals when they invade homes or other places where they have access to small pets. If you have any questions or concerns about these spiders, consult a professional pest control operator. If you have a spider problem you just can’t shake, RECON Pest Services is here to help. Servicing Omaha and Lincoln, NE, we’re a seasoned spider-fighting force that you can count on to get rid of any infestation. Contact us today for a free quote!
Wolf Spider Identification
Wolf spiders are huge, orange or reddish-brown spiders. They are known for the long, bushy front legs that they use to catch their prey. These spiders have three eyes in front, with the two large ones on the top of their head, and the small one in the middle of the front of their head.
Wolf spiders are also known for their large, spiny cephalothorax. These spiders have a reflective silver-grey abdomen. Like most spiders, wolf spiders are nocturnal creatures. Therefore, you are most likely to encounter them outdoors in places where there is plenty of vegetation to hide in during the day.
Wolf spiders can be found in almost any place that has vegetation. They are found in outdoor settings such as forests, fields, deserts and even gardens. They can also be found inside houses and other buildings. These spiders are generally very mild-mannered and rarely bite humans. They can be seen wandering around in search of insects and other small animals as well as hiding in plants or inside buildings.
Wolf Spider Behavior and Habits
Wolf spiders are primarily carnivorous. They hunt and catch small insects, small rodents and other small animals. Wolf spiders are also known as wandering spiders because they are most active at night. These spiders are also considered crepuscular, meaning that they are most active in the early morning and late afternoon hours.
At other times of the day, they tend to hide in plants or inside buildings. During the summer months, these spiders are more likely to be found outside and are less likely to be found indoors. They are more likely to be found in the winter months. Wolf spiders are generally very docile creatures, but they are known to bite if they feel threatened. Therefore, it is important to be cautious around these spiders if you come across one.
Wolf Spider Diet and Feeding Habits
Wolf spiders are ambush predators. This means that they wait for their prey to come to them, then ambush them from their hiding spot. Once the prey is nearby, these spiders quickly pounce on them with their strong front legs and catch them with their two large fangs.
Wolf spiders are also known as cellar spiders because of their diet. They are common spiders that can be found in the basements of houses and other buildings. They are also sometimes found in garages and other indoor areas where there is a good amount of vegetation.
Wolf spiders are mostly nocturnal, so they are more likely to be found at night. During the day, they are more likely to hide in plants and inside buildings. If a wolf spider is inside your home, it is likely to be hiding in moist places, such as basements and inside walls. Therefore, it is important to be cautious and look for these spiders inside buildings.
Wolf Spider Nesting and Reproduction
Female Wolf Spiders are the ones that are expected to find a place to live, such as a hole in a wall, a crack in a wall or inside a building. The male is the one that stays in the outside to find the female and mate. There is no mating ritual as such, but the male brings a gift to the female before he starts defending her territory. He can be found on windows, walls, ceilings and doorways.
Once the female has found a place to live and build a web, she will find a mate and mate with him. The egg sac is attached to their web and they will guard it until they hatch. After 4 to 6 weeks, the young are ready to leave the egg sac and start their life.
For more info about the wolf spider’s behavior, check out this article from the University of Nebraska.
Wolf Spider in House- How to get rid of them?
Generally, wolf spiders are harmless to humans and other animals, but they can be a problem for homeowners. If you have experienced a wolf spider infestation, you may be able to solve the problem by treating the problem area with insecticidal soap. The soap will kill the wolf spiders and other insects that are hiding in the walls, ceilings and other places.
Once you have eliminated the wolf spiders and other pests, you may want to call a professional pest control company to help with the job of finding and eliminating other pests that may have made their way into your home. A professional exterminator may be able to inspect your home for other pests, such as mice or other dangerous pests.
Wolf spiders are an incredibly common species of spider that can be found almost anywhere. They are mostly nocturnal and will often be found hiding in plants or inside buildings. These spiders are best avoided and are only found inside homes or other buildings if they are not being controlled by pest control companies. If you do find a wolf spider inside your home, you can safely kill it by spraying its habitat with insecticidal soap.
If you have a wolf spider problem, RECON Pest Services can help. Servicing the greater Omaha & Lincoln regions, we have the skills and know-how to take care of any common pest. Contact us today for a free quote.