Fleas are a common pest for pet owners worldwide. Even one flea popping up on your beloved pooch or kitty can make the whole home uncomfortable for months.
Even in the summer while you’re outside barbequing, it’s hard to appreciate the weather when you need to worry about fleas biting your pets and family!
Don’t let these pests keep you from enjoying your home with your family; keep reading this article to learn how to create effective homemade flea traps to supplement flea medicines and repellents.
Effective Homemade Flea Traps for Your Home
Fleas are typically most active in the home during the summer months when the weather is warmest. These annoying pests can make it difficult to enjoy your home and spending time with your family.
There are a number of commercial flea traps available, but these can be expensive. Luckily, there are a number of homemade flea traps that are just as effective and much more affordable.
Whenever you’re struggling with fleas in your home, check out these homemade flea traps that may reduce the number of pesky fleas hopping around your carpet!
If you think you’ve got a flea problem but aren’t sure, check out this article from Fetch by WebMD to learn how to spot fleas before they become a problem!
Homemade Flea Trap 1: The Flea Zapper
This homemade flea trap is a great way to reduce the number of fleas in your home without using any harmful chemicals. All you need for this trap is a bowl, some dish soap, and a little bit of water. To make the trap, mix together equal parts water and dish soap in a bowl.
Place the bowl on the floor in an area where you’ve seen fleas or where your pets spend a lot of time. The dish soap will act as a surfactant, which will reduce the surface tension of the water.
When fleas jump into the bowl, they will be unable to escape and will eventually drown.
Homemade Flea Trap 2: The Flea Vacuum
This homemade flea trap is a great way to physically remove fleas from your home. To make this trap, you’ll need a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment and a bowl.
Place the bowl upside down over the end of the vacuum hose. Make sure the bowl is secure so that it doesn’t fall off when the vacuum is turned on. Turn on the vacuum and wait for it to build up enough suction to pull the fleas into the bowl.
After a few minutes, turn off the vacuum and remove the bowl. The fleas will be trapped inside the bowl and can then be disposed of.
Homemade Flea Trap 3: The Flealight
This homemade flea trap uses light to attract and trap fleas. To make this trap, you’ll need a bowl, a piece of black paper, a desk lamp, and some tape.
Cut the black paper into a circle that’s just slightly smaller than the bowl. Place the black paper inside the bowl and tape it in place. Turn on the desk lamp and place it underneath the bowl.
The light will attract the fleas into the bowl where they will be trapped.
Homemade Flea Trap 4: The Heat Trap
This homemade flea trap uses heat to attract and trap fleas. To make this trap, you’ll need a bowl, a piece of black paper, a heat lamp, and some tape.
Cut the black paper into a circle that’s just slightly smaller than the bowl. Place the black paper inside the bowl and tape it in place. Turn on the heat lamp and place it underneath the bowl.
The heat will attract the fleas into the bowl where they will be trapped.
These are just a few of the many homemade flea traps that you can use to reduce the number of fleas in your home. Try out a few of these traps and see which ones work best for you!
Homemade Flea Trap 5: The Plastic Bowl
To make this trap, you’ll need a plastic tub or bowl, some dish soap, and a little bit of water. To make the trap, mix together equal parts water and dish soap in the tub or bowl.
Place the tub or bowl on the floor in an area where you’ve seen fleas or where your pets spend a lot of time. The dish soap will act as a surfactant, which will reduce the surface tension of the water.
When fleas jump into the tub or bowl, they will be unable to escape and will eventually drown.
You can also add a little bit of sugar to the water to attract even more fleas. The sugar will dissolve and won’t harm your pets or children if they accidentally ingest some of the water.
If you don’t have a plastic tub or bowl, you can also use a glass jar or cup. Just make sure the jar or cup is wide enough that the fleas can jump in, but not so wide that they can easily jump out.
How Effective Are Store-Bought Products?
Many traps you may find at your local hardware or gardening store operate similarly to some homemade flea traps. These products contain a bait that compels fleas to hop or fly into a device and get stuck or drown.
The most effective way to treat fleas in your home is actually to treat your pets with the flea problem with flea medicine. Many medications exist for both cats and dogs that will help to effectively control and eliminate fleas. These products are available as spot-on medications, shampoos, collars, and oral tablets.
Some pet stores may also sell diatomaceous earth, which is a type of food-grade powder that can be used on your pet or around your home to kill fleas. This powder is made of fossilized algae and works by dehydrating fleas, causing them to die. Be sure to only purchase food-grade diatomaceous earth as other types may be harmful to your pets or family.
You can also take measures to make your yard less inviting for fleas by trimming the grass and keeping debris to a minimum. If you have a lot of trees or bushes on your property, consider trimming them back as well since fleas often live in these areas.
Store-bought pesticides aren’t as effective as many pest control products and could harm local wildlife, native incest species, or your lawn. It’s often safer to contact a pest control agency like RECON Pest Services to get rid of fleas with larvicides or pesticides.
Other Ways to Keep Fleas Away
Fleas traps can help reduce the number of pests on your property, but you may still struggle with these blood-sucking pests. Some species strategically pick water to lay their eggs and could bypass your water-based traps.
What should you do if your homemade flea traps fail to eliminate all the annoying blood-suckers in your home?
When all else fails, RECON Pest Services is here to help. Servicing the greater Omaha & Lincoln areas, we’ve got the knowledge and tools to help you take care of any common pest issue. Contact us today for a free quote!