Hornets in Nebraska: The Buzzworthy Invasion You Need to Know About

by | Apr 1, 2023 | Pests

Hornets in Nebraska: The Buzzworthy Invasion You Need to Know About


Hornets have always been a nuisance in the United States, but a recent invasion of hornets in Nebraska has caught the attention of many residents. These hornets, known as the European hornet, have been making their presence felt in the state, causing concern among residents and wildlife experts alike. In this article, we will delve into the hornet invasion in Nebraska, their physical characteristics, and the impact they have on the ecosystem. Additionally, we will discuss how to identify hornets in Nebraska and what to do if you encounter one. Finally, we will explore the steps being taken to control the hornet population.

Why are the hornets in Nebraska?

The European hornet is native to Europe but has been introduced to North America. It is believed that the hornets in Nebraska may have entered the state through shipping containers or other means of transportation. Once they arrived, they found a hospitable environment and began to thrive. The hornets are attracted to the state’s humid climate and abundant food sources, including fruits, vegetables, and insects. They are most commonly found in wooded areas and around homes.

Physical characteristics of the hornets

European hornets are one of the largest hornet species in the world, growing up to 1.5 inches in length. They are brown or reddish-brown in color with yellow stripes on their abdomen. The hornets have a large head with powerful jaws that enable them to capture and kill prey. They also have strong wings that allow them to fly at high speeds, making them agile and quick in the air.

The impact of hornets on the ecosystem

Hornets play an important role in controlling insect populations in their natural habitat. They prey on a variety of insects, including caterpillars, flies, and bees. However, when hornets invade an area, they can disrupt the ecosystem by outcompeting native species for resources. In addition, their predatory behavior can have a negative impact on honeybee populations, which are essential for pollinating crops and flowers.

How to identify hornets in Nebraska

If you encounter a hornet in Nebraska, there are a few key characteristics to look for. European hornets are larger than most other hornet species, with a distinct brown or reddish-brown color and yellow stripes on their abdomen. They also have a large head with powerful jaws and strong wings that enable them to fly at high speeds. If you are unsure of whether the insect you are seeing is a hornet or not, it is best to consult a professional pest control service for identification.

What to do if you encounter a hornet

If you encounter a hornet in Nebraska, it is important to remain calm and avoid swatting at the insect. Hornets are attracted to movement and may become aggressive if they feel threatened. Instead, slowly and calmly move away from the area. If you are stung by a hornet, wash the affected area with soap and water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. If you experience severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing or swelling of the face or throat, seek medical attention immediately.

Steps being taken to control the hornet population

Wildlife experts are taking steps to control the hornet population in Nebraska. One method being used is the placement of traps that lure the hornets with a sweet-smelling bait. Once the hornets are trapped, they are removed from the area. Another method being used is the introduction of natural predators, such as birds and spiders, that feed on the hornets. Additionally, residents are encouraged to report any sightings of hornets to their local pest control service to aid in the effort to control the population.


The invasion of hornets in Nebraska is a concerning issue that requires attention and action. These insects can have a negative impact on the ecosystem and can pose a threat to human health. By learning how to identify hornets in Nebraska and taking appropriate precautions, we can help control the population and protect ourselves and our environment. For all your pest removal needs, RECON Pest Services is here to help. Contact us today for a free quote!

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