Save Your Furniture From Termite Damage: How Easily Do Termites Spread from Walls to Furniture?

by | Jan 1, 2023 | Termites

Are you worried about termite damage to your furniture? Termites are small, destructive insects that can cause significant damage to your walls, furniture, and other wood objects in your home. While termites may not be the most common pest, they can still do considerable damage if left unchecked.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the different types of termites and their habits, signs of termite damage, and how easily termites spread from walls to furniture. We’ll also discuss how to prevent termite damage and what to do if you suspect or discover termite damage. Finally, we’ll explore DIY termite treatment and professional termite treatment options.

Introduction to Termites

Termites are small insects that feed on wood and other cellulose materials. They live in colonies and leave behind small tunnels and galleries in the wood they consume. Termites can be found in both warm and cold climates and are most active during the summer months. When termite colonies become large enough, they can cause significant damage to wood structures, including furniture and walls.

The most common types of termites in the United States are subterranean, drywood, and dampwood termites. Subterranean termites are the most common and live in underground colonies. They build tunnels and galleries in wood and feed on cellulose materials. Drywood termites are typically found in warm, dry climates and live in wood, rather than in the ground. Dampwood termites are found in moist climates and feed on damp wood.

Types of Termites and Their Habits

Subterranean termites are the most common type of termite in the United States and can be found in every state except Alaska. They live in underground colonies, which can be as deep as twenty feet and can contain up to two million individuals. Subterranean termites typically enter buildings through the foundation and build tunnels and galleries in wood and other cellulose materials.

Drywood termites are found in dry, warm climates and live in wood rather than in the ground. They typically enter buildings through windows and doors or from cracks in the walls. They prefer to feed on dry wood and can cause significant damage to furniture and other wood structures.

Dampwood termites are found in moist climates and feed on damp wood. They are typically found in wood that has been exposed to moisture, such as wood near plumbing pipes or on the outside of buildings. They can also enter buildings through cracks in the walls.

Signs of Termite Damage

Termites can cause significant damage to wood structures, including furniture and walls. The most common signs of termite damage are small tunnels and galleries in the wood, tiny, sawdust-like pellets, and piles of fecal matter near the location of the infestation. If you see any of these signs, you should immediately contact a professional pest control company.

How Easily Do Termites Spread from Walls to Furniture?

Termites can easily spread from walls to furniture, especially if the furniture is made of wood. Termites can enter furniture through small cracks or openings in the wood, and once inside, they can quickly spread to other furniture pieces. Subterranean and drywood termites are both capable of easily spreading from walls to furniture.

Termites can also spread from furniture to walls. If a piece of furniture is infested, the termites can spread to the walls behind it and cause additional damage. It is important to inspect your furniture regularly to ensure that it is not infested with termites.

How to Prevent Termite Damage

The best way to prevent termite damage is to keep your home clean and free of potential sources of food. This includes keeping wood and other cellulose materials away from the foundation of your home and ensuring that windows and doors are sealed properly. Additionally, it is important to inspect your furniture regularly for signs of termite damage and to repair any cracks or openings in the wood.

What to Do if You Suspect or Discover Termite Damage

If you suspect or discover termite damage, it is important to act quickly. The first step should be to contact a professional pest control company to assess the extent of the damage and to discuss a treatment plan. The pest control company can recommend a variety of treatments that will typically be able to take care of your problem.

DIY Termite Treatment

There are several DIY termite treatments available that can help to prevent or eliminate termite infestations. These treatments typically involve the homeowner applying insecticides directly to the affected area or using baits to attract and kill the termites. It is important to read the instructions carefully and follow all safety precautions when using DIY treatments. Keep in mind, DIY termite treatment can be incredibly risky to your home.

Unlike other types of infestations, we do not recommend home remedies for termites. Strong insecticides are usually the only option that is worth exploring with at-home termite treatment.

Professional Termite Treatment

Professional termite treatment is often the most effective way to eliminate an infestation. Professional pest control companies can use a variety of treatments, including fumigation and liquid insecticides, to eliminate termites. Additionally, they can inspect your home for potential sources of food and identify any entry points that termites may use to enter your home.


Termites can cause significant damage to furniture and other wood structures in your home. It is important to inspect your furniture regularly for signs of termite damage and to act quickly if you suspect or discover termite damage.

Additionally, it is important to keep your home clean and free of potential sources of food and to repair any cracks or openings in the wood. DIY termite treatments can be effective, but professional termite treatments are often the most sure-fire way to eliminate an infestation.

If you’re concerned about termite damage to your furniture, contact a professional pest control company to assess the extent of the damage and discuss a treatment plan. Taking these steps can help you protect your furniture and other wood structures from termite damage.

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