How to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Basement – 4 Proven Steps to Remove Spiders

by | Jul 27, 2022 | Pests

If you’ve ever had a spider infestation in your home, you know how pesky and disgusting they can be. Not only are they creepy, but some species can also be harmful to your family and pets. In this blog post, we will provide 4 steps on how to get rid of spiders in your basement and prevent future infestations.

Got spider problems you just can’t shake? RECON Pest Services is here to help. Servicing the greater Omaha & Lincoln areas, we’ve got what it takes to service any common pest issue. Contact us today for a free quote.

Step 1 – How to Find Spiders in Your Basement

Check for webs

One of the first things you’ll want to do when checking for spiders is to look for webs. Spiders are known for spinning webs of all shapes and sizes, so this should be a tell-tale sign that you have an infestation. One web here or there isn’t a problem, but if you have spaces that are decked with them, you might have a problem on your hands.

Inspect entry points

Another way to check for spiders is to inspect any potential entry points into your home. This could include cracks in the foundation, gaps around doors and windows, crawlspaces, or any other openings that spiders could potentially crawl through.

Look for egg sacs

Another sign of a spider infestation is the presence of egg sacs. These are typically small, white, and round in shape. If you see any egg sacs, it’s important to remove them immediately as they can hatch and cause an even bigger infestation.

Step 2 – How to Get Rid of Spiders in Your Basement

Use a vacuum

One of the most effective ways to remove spiders from your basement is to use a handheld vacuum. This will suck up the spiders and any egg sacs that may be present. This is typically a very safe option unless you are dealing with large, poisonous spiders like brown recluses.

For more information on types of dangerous spiders to be on the lookout for in Nebraska, check out this article from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on identifying brown recluses and black widows.

Apply insecticide

Another way to remove spiders is to apply an insecticide. This should be done carefully, as you don’t want to put your family or pets at risk. Be sure to follow the instructions on the insecticide label, and to not over-apply.

Call a professional

If you’re still having trouble getting rid of the spiders, you may need to call a professional. A pest control company will be able to identify the type of spider and determine the best course of action for removal.

Step 3 – How to Clean Up After a Spider Infestation

Remove webs

Once you’ve removed the spiders from your basement, you’ll want to remove any webs that are present. Webs can be removed with a vacuum, broom, or by hand. If you’re concerned about any remaining, possibly poisonous spiders, be sure to use protective gloves while you do this in case you missed any spiders.

Clean surfaces

Once the webs are gone, you’ll want to clean all surfaces in your basement. This includes sweeping and mopping the floors, as well as wiping down any walls or other surfaces that may have been contaminated. This will help remove any residue that may have attracted spiders and bugs to the area in the first place.

Sanitize the Area

Once you’ve cleaned all surfaces, you’ll want to sanitize them. This will help to kill any remaining spiders or eggs that may be present. While spiders don’t typically carry disease, the prey that the spiders came for can. You can use a household cleaner or diluted bleach solution for this.

Step 4 – How to Prevent Spider Infestations in Your Basement

Seal entry points

One of the best ways to prevent spider infestations is to seal any potential entry points into your home. This includes cracks in the foundation, gaps around doors and windows, and any other openings that spiders could potentially crawl through.

Keep bugs out

Bugs of any kind can be prey for spiders, and some can be quite a bit more dangerous to your home and family. If you see a large number of mosquitoes, flies, or cockroaches, take steps to get them away from your home before the spiders come to eat them up.

Keep things clean

Another way to prevent spider infestations is to keep your basement clean. This means sweeping and mopping regularly, as well as wiping down any surfaces that could be potential breeding grounds for spiders and other bugs.

Use insecticide

Another way to prevent spider infestations is to use an insecticide. This should be done carefully, as you don’t want to put your family or pets at risk. Be sure to follow the instructions on the insecticide label.

We hope these tips helped get rid of your spider problem. If you’re still having trouble, be sure to contact a professional for assistance. RECON Pest Services is always here to help! Give us a call today for a free quote. Thanks for reading!

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