by | Oct 26, 2021 | Pests

What are moles? And are they good or bad?

Moles, often confused with gophers, are a type of tunneling rodent that often become nuisances as they tear up your lawn and the rest of your property. They are brown to dark grey in color, and have soft fur. They have long snouts that protrude about an inch out from their faces and have clawed, saddle-like front feet that they use for digging. These rodents are relatively small at only 6-8 inches long and weigh in at less than one pound. Since they live most of their lives underground, they are nearly blind! Unlike gophers however, they usually don’t ruin your gardens and lawn by eating the plants. Moles are ground-dwelling carnivores that prefer eating white grubs and the larva of other pest insects. They require a lot of food energy and can eat about 80% of their body weight every single day. So for this, they can actually be quite helpful!

While they can be rather helpful in eating the larvae of other insect pests, they can also be rather destructive to your property. They dig underground tunnels and as they do so, they leave molehills on the surface, can damage roots of young plants as they tunnel, and can expose stones that can damage different lawn equipment. Even more damage can be cause from their tunnels as other pests use them to get around. Voles can often be found using mole tunnels to get around while they continue to eat the roots of grasses and plants, ruining your lawn and property even more. If you are having mole issues or any other rodent issues, visit our website at or call our office at (402)22-RECON.

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