Mosquitos in Winter | When Are Mosquitos Most Active in Nebraska

by | Sep 12, 2022 | Pests

When the leaves start falling and rain turns to snow, one would think they’re free from the menace of mosquitos in winter. Dealing with these pests may make you wonder if there’s an end in sight. When is mosquito season during the year, and when is it over?

In this article, we will discuss the possibility of mosquitos entering your home in the winter, and when you should be expecting to see most of these creepy crawlies.

If you have a mosquito problem, we’re here to help. Servicing the greater Omaha and Lincoln areas, RECON Pest Services has the tools and experience needed to handle any common pest.

Do I Have to Worry About Mosquitos in Winter?

Short answer: no.

For most Americans, you don’t have to worry about mosquitoes in winter because they can’t survive the cold weather. Mosquitos are cold-blooded creatures, which means their body temperature depends on the temperature of their surroundings. When the temperature outside drops below 50°F (10°C), mosquitos will start to die off.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, remember that mosquitos can lay their eggs in standing water, so if you have any containers of water around your home (such as rain barrels or birdbaths), make sure to empty them out so the mosquito eggs don’t have a chance to hatch.

Second, keep in mind that while most mosquitoes will die off in the winter, there are a few species that can survive freezing temperatures by going into a state of dormancy (sort of like hibernation). So if you live in an area where the winters are particularly harsh, you may want to take extra precautions to make sure no mosquitoes sneak into your home.

When is Mosquito Season in Nebraska?

The average temperature fluctuates in many midwestern states. Areas closer to the Canadian border have lower temperatures than those closer to southern states. However, mosquito season typically stays the same throughout the midwest, including Nebraska. 

Because of the milder temperatures, many midwesterners will not have to deal with pesky insects until the beginning of May. When the temperature remains at around 60 degrees consistently throughout the night, pests like these can thrive.

The mosquito season in the southern states with hot climates begins as early as mid-April when the spring temperatures start to rise. In colder states, the season could start even earlier in May and end around August or September.

Mosquito season varies depending on the state, but it generally begins in April and lasts until mid- or late-May. Mosquitoes can be found throughout all of North America year-round, although they peak during the warmer months. Areas closer to the southern United States have mosquito season a few weeks earlier than areas further north. Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware begin their seasons in early to late April.

Mosquitoes in Canada may migrate south as early as mid-March, making their way from the Arctic through Alaska and ending up in northern states like New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Mosquito season is generally between late April and May in these states.

Nippy weather and the first frost usually don’t come until late September or early October in most of the US, but by then, most mosquitoes have already passed on from this world.

How to Protect Yourself During Mosquito Seasons

Whenever the temperature rises in your area, consider utilizing a few safety measures to prevent mosquitoes from taking hold of your backyard! Try out one of the following tips as recommended by the CDC:

Use bug spray

Apply an EPA-registered mosquito repellent to your skin and clothing when outdoors during mosquito season. Repellents containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, and some oil of lemon eucalyptus and para-menthane-diol products provide long-lasting protection.

Clean out your gutters

Look for any areas of standing water around your property and either empty or remove them. This includes birdbaths, kiddie pools, old tires, and anything else that could collect rainwater.

Keep your yard tidy

Keep your lawn mowed and clear out any areas of overgrown grass or weeds. These can provide the perfect hiding spot for mosquitoes looking to lay their eggs.

Install screens on your doors and windows

Make sure all of the openings to your home are covered with screens. This will help keep mosquitoes from sneaking inside where it’s nice and warm.

Empty water buckets

If you have any containers outside that hold water, be sure to empty and refill them regularly. Mosquitoes can lay their eggs in just a few inches of water, so it’s important to stay ahead of them.

Use mosquito netting

If you’re going to be spending time outdoors in an area where mosquitoes are known to be active, consider using mosquito netting. This will help keep the bugs from getting to you and causing bites.

Clean and refill your bird baths regularly

If you have a bird bath in your yard, make sure you’re cleaning it out and refilling it with fresh water at least once a week.

Wear light-colored clothing

Mosquitoes are attracted to darker colors, so consider wearing light-colored clothing when you’re spending time outdoors during mosquito season.

Remove any standing water on your property to decrease its attractiveness to mosquitoes this summer. It will be more difficult for them to lay eggs and reproduce as a result. While eliminating mosquito breeding sites won’t entirely get rid of the insects, it’s a wonderful place to start!

If you want protection this mosquito season, call RECON Pest Services for all of your pest control needs! We provide home pest control services that eliminate active infestations and developing larvae.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, contact us today!

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