Welcome to your new home!
Bunker up and protect your NEW home! The pesky pest invaders are on their way!
Thanks to our partnership with Bjork Team, your agent has gifted you with six months of FREE pest services from RECON Pest Services!
Rodents can wreak havoc on your house and put your family in danger by creating fire hazards and diseases. RECON Pest Services has the tools and expertise to get rid of all rodents from your home.
These creepy crawlies can make homes for themselves in your basement, pantry, and garage when they aren’t welcome. RECON Pest Services can help you keep these pests and their dusty webs out of your home for good.
Stink Beetle
Stink beetles can foul up your home from Spring to Fall, but not to worry. RECON Pest Services can handle the worst infestation, and help you keep them away in the future.