Ouch! Why is my eye so itchy? A mosquito bite on your eyelid can feel like a major annoyance, but don’t worry—you’ll be okay with the right steps....
Identifying a Carpenter Ant Infestation
You’ve seen them around the house or yard in the corner of your eye, but you aren’t sure why they’re there.. Tiny, insignificant piles of… sawdust?...
Bugs in Nebraska: 6 Common Bugs in Nebraska
The Cornhusker State experiences all four seasons, which means you encounter different bugs throughout the year. From the awakening of insects in...
What Attracts Centipedes and How To Get Rid of Them
Centipedes are unwelcome visitors in homes and gardens across the globe. They may look creepy with their multiple legs and fast movements, but when...
A Guide to the Ring Legged Earwig: Facts and Fun Facts About This Fascinating Insect
Have you ever seen a little bug with rings on its legs scurrying across your kitchen floor? Chances are, it was a ring legged earwig. These small,...
Ants in Kitchen Sink – 6 Helpful Tips for Ant Control in Kitchens
Having trouble with ants? These creepy crawlies can invade even the cleanest of kitchens. This blog features 6 helpful tips to help fight back when you find ants in the kitchen sink.
Why Are There So Many Spiders in My House? – Spider Pest Control in Fall
Image Source: Pexels In the fall, spiders are searching for cozy spots indoors to spend the winter. They’re not trying to scare you or give you...
Apple Cider Vinegar for Moles in Yard – Get Rid of Moles!
Moles are shy creatures who live underground and avoid humans at all costs. The mole’s primary concern is staying hidden from predators. So when a...
Boric Acid for Fleas – DIY Flea Removal
Boric acid is a natural mineral that’s found in some types of soil, and it can act as a flea repellent. So, if you have pets and deal with fleas,...
Earwig Pest Control | Earwig Spray and DIY Traps
Image Source: FreeImages There are many reasons why you might want to get rid of earwigs. These pests can damage crops and gardens, especially if...
Rodents in Attic – Infestation Causes and Solutions
Let’s be honest – most of us don’t like the idea of small mammals living in our attic. However, rats, mice, and other rodents are natural dwellers...
Wolf Spider in House | Wolf Spider Identification and Removal
Wolf spiders are a relatively large family of spiders with over 1,500 species in North America alone. They are found nearly everywhere except the...
Are Box Elder Bugs Dangerous? | What are Box Elder Bugs?
Box elder bugs are one of those pests that seem to be everywhere. You might see them congregating on the side of your house or crawling around in...
How to Get Rid of Termite Swarmers
Typically found inside homes or within outside nests, termites are a troublesome addition to anyone’s home! These pests can cause thousands of...
Mouse Droppings in Bed – 7 Helpful Ways to Fix Mouse Infestations
Found Mouse Droppings in Bed? 7 Helpful Steps on What to Do Next No one wants to find mouse droppings in their bed. Not only is it gross, but it's...
Spiders in Nebraska – 6 Scary Species
If you're a fan of spiders, Nebraska sure is the place for you. There are over 60 species of spiders in Nebraska, so there's certainly one you'll...
Best Carpenter Ant Bait – 4 Great Options, 1 Bad Option
What's the best carpenter ant bait on the market? Everyone has their own creature control techniques, but what is the greatest option available?...
What do Wasps Eat? | Common Wasp Attractants
Wasps are a common backyard nuisance. From early spring to late fall, these pests populate lawns across Nebraska, building large underground nests....
What Do Ant Eggs Look Like? – Identifying and Responding to Ant Infestations
Ant eggs are an important component of every growing ant colony. An ant colony can't survive without new workers if it doesn't generate endless egg...