What Smells Do Roaches Hate: Natural Ways to Keep Roaches at Bay

by | Jun 1, 2023 | Roaches

Cockroaches are unwelcome guests in any home or business, and sometimes it seems like they can survive anything. But did you know that there are certain smells that these pesky pests simply cannot stand? In this article, we will explore what smells do roaches hate, and how you can use these scents to keep them away from your property. Just remember, for all your roach removal needs, RECON Pest Services is here to help. Servicing the greater Omaha & Lincoln areas, we can handle any common pest infestation. Contact us today for a free quote!


How Do Scents Repel Roaches?

Roaches have a strong sense of smell, which they use to find food and navigate their surroundings. When they encounter a smell that they find unpleasant or perceive as a threat, their natural instinct is to avoid it. By using scents that roaches hate, you can create an environment that is less appealing to them, and help prevent infestations.

What Smells Do Roaches Hate: Natural Repellents

The following scents have been found to be effective in repelling cockroaches. They are all natural, non-toxic, and safe for humans and pets when used correctly. Let’s take a look at what smells do roaches hate and how you can use them to keep these unwanted pests at bay.


Cockroaches despise the smell of lavender. This fragrant herb can be used both inside and outside your home to deter roaches and create a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere.

How to Use Lavender

  • Plant lavender around your home to create a barrier that roaches will be reluctant to cross.
  • Use lavender essential oil diluted in water and sprayed on surfaces where roaches have been a problem. You can also place a few drops of the oil in strategic locations around your home.


Roaches can’t stand the smell of citrus. This is good news for those who enjoy the fresh scent of oranges, lemons, and grapefruits.

How to Use Citrus

  • Use citrus-scented cleaners in your kitchen and bathroom to deter roaches.
  • Place citrus peels around your home in strategic locations. Refresh the peels every couple of weeks to maintain their potency.


While koalas may love the smell of eucalyptus, roaches find it extremely off-putting. This powerful scent can be used in various ways to keep roaches away from your home.

How to Use Eucalyptus

  • Dilute eucalyptus essential oil with water and spray it as a barrier around your home.
  • Plant eucalyptus bushes in your yard and garden as a natural roach deterrent.


Chrysanthemums produce a natural deterrent called pyrethrum, which is highly effective at repelling cockroaches. In fact, the artificial version, pyrethroid, is a common ingredient in many commercial pesticides.

How to Use Chrysanthemums

  • Plant chrysanthemums around your house to create a natural barrier.
  • Create a spray using chrysanthemum oil and use it to keep roaches away from your property.

Osage Orange

Also known as hedge apples, Osage oranges have a strong, citrusy, and woodsy scent that roaches hate. Although there is no solid scientific evidence, many people have found success using Osage oranges as a natural roach repellent.

How to Use Osage Orange

  • Place whole or sliced Osage oranges in corners, under the sink, or in bowls displayed on countertops.
  • Use Osage orange oil as a substitute if you’re concerned about the fruit rotting.


Cedarwood chips, shavings, or oil emit a pungent, earthy aroma that roaches cannot stand. This scent has traditionally been used to combat moths in closets and can also be effective against cockroaches.

How to Use Cedarwood

  • Scatter cedar chips or shavings in areas where roaches like to hide.
  • Create a “cedar water” spray by soaking cedar shavings overnight in water, straining the mixture, and using it to mist areas frequented by roaches.


Mint is not only an effective roach repellent, but it is also backed by scientific studies and has been tried and tested by many people.

How to Use Mint

  • Grow fresh mint plants in and around your home. The aroma will help deter roaches, and you can use the plants for cooking as well.
  • Mix peppermint, winter mint, or spearmint essential oils in a spray bottle with water and apply it to baseboards, windows, doors, and other areas where roaches might enter.

Essential Oils

Many essential oils can be effective at repelling roaches. They are readily available, easy to store, and safe for humans and pets when used correctly.

How to Use Essential Oils

  • Experiment with different essential oils, such as citrus, tea tree, bergamot, cypress, lavender, and eucalyptus.
  • Mix your chosen oils with water in a spray bottle and apply them to areas where roaches are likely to enter your home.

Bay Leaves

Bay leaves have a strong aroma that roaches dislike. While they won’t kill existing roaches, they can help discourage them from coming into your home.

How to Use Bay Leaves

  • Crush bay leaves and spread them around your kitchen cupboards and other areas where roaches may be present.


Cucumbers contain chemicals that are natural roach repellents. Sliced or diced cucumbers have been shown to be effective at keeping roaches away.

How to Use Cucumbers

  • Leave freshly sliced or diced cucumbers in areas where roaches may be present. Replace them as needed.

Tips for Repelling Cockroaches with Natural Scents

To maximize the effectiveness of these natural roach repellents, consider the following tips:

  • Choose the right location for each scent, ensuring that it is safe for children, pets, and other household members.
  • Reapply scents frequently to maintain their potency and effectiveness.
  • Experiment with different scents and combinations to find the most effective solution for your specific situation.

Do You Still Need Professional Pest Control Services?

If you’ve tried using natural scents to repel cockroaches and are still experiencing problems, it may be time to call in the professionals. Established roach infestations can be difficult to eliminate, and RECON Pest Services is ready to help. With expert service in the greater Omaha & Lincoln areas, we can tackle any common pest infestation. Contact us today for a free quote, and let us help you reclaim your roach-free home

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