Recon Pest Services

A Closer Look: What Do Termite Droppings Look Like?

Termites rank high among the pesky critters that can wreak havoc on your home. These small bugs have the potential to inflict significant harm to your house's framework, resulting in costly repairs. Ever wondered what termite droppings actually look like? Termite...

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Identifying a Carpenter Ant Infestation

You’ve seen them around the house or yard in the corner of your eye, but you aren’t sure why they’re there.. Tiny, insignificant piles of… sawdust? Uh oh, that’s probably a sign that you’re dealing with a wood-boring pest like carpenter ants.  Carpenter ants, known...

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Bugs in Nebraska: 6 Common Bugs in Nebraska

The Cornhusker State experiences all four seasons, which means you encounter different bugs throughout the year. From the awakening of insects in the spring to their hibernation or overwintering strategies in the cold months, each season brings its own set of...

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Do Boxelder Bugs Bite? – Pest Fact or Fiction

Have you ever wondered about the truth behind the behavior of boxelder bugs, and do boxelder bugs bite? Despite their prominent presence, especially on warm building exteriors during fall, boxelder bugs (Boisea trivittata) maintain a reputation for being...

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Vole Trails: Annoying Voles in Your Yard

Vole trails, the unexpected signatures left behind by small rodents in your landscape, can transform your lawn into a perplexing maze of damage. Understanding these elusive creatures and the signs of their presence is crucial for maintaining a healthy, vibrant garden...

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Pest Control for Yellow Jacket Queens: Protect your Summer

Yellow jacket queens are the key to the castle of yellow jacket-kind. They are the primary source of reproduction for the species, and are the source of your painful, sting-infused summer barbeques. So, what do you do when a yellow jacket queen sets up her kingdom in...

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Gopher Mesh: How to Lay It and Protect Your Lawn

Struggling with gophers undermining the health of your lawn? Gopher mesh offers a robust defense, preventing these persistent burrowers from causing extensive damage to your greenspace. Implementing gopher mesh as part of your lawn care routine is key to maintaining a...

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Brown Banded Cockroach Nymphs – Identifying a Dangerous Pest

If you run into brown banded cockroach nymphs in your home, it’s quite possible an infestation is right around the corner. These small roaches bring disease and property damage in their wake, making it essential to homeowners to fight an infestation as it rears its...

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