by | Oct 11, 2021 | Pests

As we start moving into the fall, its time to start thinking about prepping our houses against those bugs that start moving in to get out of the cold! One of the worst pests that start finding refuge in homes are cockroaches!

Cockroaches are one of the worst pests for homeowners! They are known to carry disease and are known to accumulate bacteria by feeding on contaminated food. They then continue to spread this bacteria and other diseases as they move around your home. As we’re moving into colder months, they are going to start seeking out warm places to spend the winter.

Once temperatures get low enough, cockroaches will start entering a hibernation-like state of dormancy which is called diapause. Before cockroaches enter this state though, they will try their best to find warm places to spend the winter. If they can find warm. buildings with plenty of food and water, they won’t go into their hibernation state and will remain active throughout the winter season. That means that they will continue to eat everything they can find and continue to reproduce.

It is time lock your doors against these unwanted pests as they try to use your home as theirs for the winter! You can help us fight back against cockroaches this winter as you do these simple things! First, attack their points of entry. Seal up all those holes and cracks that are the size of, or larger than a dime! Second, eliminate clutter. Make sure your rooms are well organized with your boxes up off of the floor. Last, make sure to repair your damaged screens and windows.

Our Winter Code Green services are perfect for prepping for the winter seasons. We use weather resistant products that will keep your home free of cockroaches and other pests all winter long! If you want to actively fight back against cockroaches and other pests this winter, call us at (402)683-7809

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