by | Sep 28, 2021 | Pests

A lawns worst enemy can be gophers. But gophers can often be confused with moles! So what exactly is a gopher?

There are a lot of differences between gophers and moles! For one, while moles will eat insects, grub, and earthworms, gophers are strictly vegetarians that will eat grasses, shrubs, and trees. Gophers also have long, yellow teeth that are always seen while moles have small teeth. Unlike moles, gophers have fur-lined cheek pouches that are used to store more food inside their mouths for transportation from one area to another. They are usually light brown to black in color and are larger than a mole.

As for their destructive behaviors, gophers are notoriously known for destroying lawns and other property. They use their long teeth and their sharp claws to loosen the soil, and then they use their shoulders to push the soil out of the burrow and onto the surface. They create gopher mounds that can be up to 18 inches wide and 6 inches high. These mounds can multiply quickly as just one gopher can create up to 3 mounds per day. Before you know it, your lawn could be completely torn up.

Other than just digging into your lawn, they also feed on your grasses’ roots and pull down the green vegetation, creating holes in your lawn that create weak spots throughout your yard. As they dig their burrows into your lawn or property, they continue to create holes as they feed on your grasses which can be very destructive to your property. If you are having gopher problems already, call us at (402) 683-7809!

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